Jesus was teaching the people in parables. He told of the wheat and the weeds and how, at the harvest, the weeds would be separated and burned in the fire. He said of the yeast put into the dough and about the tiny mustard seed, which, when fully grown, is extensive.
The disciples are asking Jesus for some help here. What does this mean? Jesus goes on to explain to them their meanings. You can read these in Matthew 13.
But what stood out to me this morning is these two parables:
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
It strikes me that in Jesus’ telling of the Kingdom of Heaven, He emphasizes its enormous value. When you start to understand how valuable it really is, you will give everything up to attain it.
We see that the man who found the treasure in the field, with joy, sold everything he had.
We see that the merchant sold all his wares and all he had and bought the pearl at a great price.
We see that everything they had was minuscule compared to the value of the Kingdom of Heaven. It was a small investment into what would be generational wealth.
I am not sure we are tracking with Jesus very well. He tells us that nothing in this life is even close to eternal life with Him. That the Kingdom of Heaven is more valuable than fame, fortune, sex, drugs, status, power, momentary pleasures, you know this life. He is telling us if we actually had even a hint of understanding about it, a small sense of what it was worth, we too would, with joy, give all we had to attain it.
Jesus, thank you for giving up your life, giving everything so we could enter into your Kingdom. Please help us value life with you, eternal life much more than anything we have here. Please help us to gain a true evaluation of the worth of the Kindom of Heaven. May we give up all we have to follow you.