Philip Bryant

Executive Director, Grace Fellowship Canada


Why Does God Answer Prayer? Luke 11:5-13

Why Does God Answer Prayer? Luke 11:5-13

The disciples had just asked Jesus how to pray, leading to the beautiful "Lord's Prayer" or "The Disciple's Prayer." But Jesus didn't stop there; He shared a parable to illustrate another aspect of prayer. Imagine this: a man has an unexpected guest, and he's got...

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Can We Save Our Souls?

Can We Save Our Souls?

Jesus just asked His disciples, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” and they answered a prophet, the return of John the Baptist, or Elijah. Jesus went on and asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” and Peter responded, “You are the Christ of God.” Jesus immediately...

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How Much Do We Love Jesus? Luke 7:36-50

How Much Do We Love Jesus? Luke 7:36-50

Jesus was invited to a religious leader's home. While eating (they eat reclining on pillows on the floor with their feet behind them), a woman of ill repute heard that Jesus was there, and she started to weep. She poured an expensive perfume on His feet and washed his...

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Don’t Worry – Why?

Don’t Worry – Why?

Jesus challenges us not to worry about this life or what we will eat or wear. He tells us life is more important than food and our bodies are more important than clothes. He reminds us of the obvious in Matthew 6:27  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his...

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Treasure: What do we treasure? How does it impact our lives?

Treasure: What do we treasure? How does it impact our lives?

Treasure this great bounty that pirates have hidden in the ground, which can be discovered by their special map. Jesus speaks to this He tells us: Matthew 6:19-20 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break...

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