Philip Bryant

Executive Director, Grace Fellowship Canada


What do we do when followers of Jesus sin? Matthew 18:15-17

What do we do when followers of Jesus sin? Matthew 18:15-17

Sin. Sin is a big deal to Jesus. He's not about it at all. He especially doesn’t want us leading others into sin. In His teaching, Jesus warns against causing others to stumble: Matthew 18:6-7  "But if anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to...

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Are Only a Few People Going to Be Saved? (Luke 13:22-30)

Are Only a Few People Going to Be Saved? (Luke 13:22-30)

As Jesus journeyed toward Jerusalem, nearing the end of His earthly ministry, He had shared many hard truths. One day, someone in the crowd posed a poignant question: "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?" This query didn't come out of nowhere. Jesus had...

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Who is the Greatest? (Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48)

Who is the Greatest? (Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48)

It's intriguing how God has instilled in us a drive to excel and compete. However, this drive needs to be directed towards good. The disciples, fresh from performing miracles, were feeling their oats, perhaps envisioning themselves in high positions in what they...

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“Get Behind Me Satan!” Mark 8:31-38

“Get Behind Me Satan!” Mark 8:31-38

“Get Behind Me, Satan!” - Mark 8:31-38 Jesus had just been recognized by Peter as "the Christ, the Son of the living God." Following this revelation, Jesus began to teach about His upcoming suffering, rejection, death, and resurrection.  Mark 8:31-32:  He then began...

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How Long Will You Keep Us in Suspense? John 10:24-41

How Long Will You Keep Us in Suspense? John 10:24-41

Jesus had been weaving a tapestry of truth through parables, each thread revealing His divine identity. He spoke of His sheep hearing His voice, of laying down His life voluntarily, only to take it up again. His claims were clearly those of deity - He called Himself...

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Are We Blind Too? John 9:1-41

Are We Blind Too? John 9:1-41

One of the most compelling accounts in the Bible unfolds in John 9, where Jesus encounters a man blind from birth. The disciples probe, wondering if his blindness is due to sin—his own or his parents'. Jesus debunks this myth of retribution theology, prevalent then...

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