Jesus Calls Us to Join Him – Matthew 14:22-36

January 29, 2025

Written by Philip Bryant

Philip serves as Executive Director of Grace Fellowship Canada. For over 20 years, he's been on a mission, planting churches from coast to coast in Canada.

After miraculously feeding thousands, Jesus ascended a mountain to pray, while His disciples set out across the lake by boat. Soon, a fierce storm arose, with waves and wind fiercely battling against them. Amidst the chaos, Jesus approached, walking on water, which initially terrified the disciples, mistaking Him for a ghost. Peter, ever bold, calls out, “Lord, if it’s you, let me come to you on the water!” Jesus invites him, and Peter steps out, walking on the water until he notices the storm, falters, and begins to sink. Jesus reaches out, rescues him, and they climb into the boat. Instantly, the storm ceases, and the boat is miraculously transported to the other side of the lake.

There is a lot that can be taken from this encounter. There are many miracles here, Jesus walking on water, Peter, walking on water, the teleporting of the boat to the other side, the calming of the storm… but Jesus’ words strike me.
When they thought they saw a ghost.

Matthew 14:27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

When Peter asked if it is you Jesus, let me come out to you.

Matthew 14:19  “Come,” he said.

When Peter cried for help as he started to sink in the water.

Matthew 14:31  31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

In the storms of our lives, we need to hear Jesus’ words today. “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Jesus promised to always be with us, so we should take courage and not be afraid.

Peter’s courage is a call to us all—we, too, can be brave. What do we seek from God? What impossible path does Jesus walk that we yearn to tread alongside Him? For me, it’s about touching the lives of those I don’t know. Asking to be part of their journey feels daunting, yet Jesus invites, “Come.” Step out into the unknown and connect with those I love and died for. Don’t hesitate; join me where faith turns the impossible into the miraculous.

But like Peter I can look at the impossibility of the water and the waves, I mean who am I to get to know these people, and what would they want to do with me? And what if they don’t want you, Jesus, and what if this just won’t work?
I love what happens next:

Matthew 14:31  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Jesus catches Peter, and I can not tell you how many times He has caught me. Oh, me of little faith, why did I doubt?

Jesus is meeting us in the storm, Calling us out into the waters, and asking us not to doubt Him but to believe Him. What I know is even when we doubt, He will catch us and bring us safe to shore.

Why not ask Him today to join Him on the water? What is Jesus doing that seems impossible? Have you asked Him if you can join Him? Can you hear His voice today? “Come.” My friend, He is telling you, “Take courage, it is I, don’t be afraid.”

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Grace Fellowship Canada
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